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Tree & Shrub Spray

Insects can be some of the greatest threats to landscaping, as where humans see a beautifully maintained piece of greenery, they only see a buffet! There are many different varieties of pest that munch on trees and shrubs, but some of the most common include aphids, Japanese beetles, bagworms, spider mites, scale and many more. They can suck out the sap, chew through the stems, or devour the leaves, leaving the plant unsightly at best and sick at worst. Too many insects can easily kill a plant if they take too much, and smaller, decorative varieties are especially vulnerable.

Whether you’ve already spotted insect damage or want to prevent it from happening in the future, a tree and shrub spray can be the ideal treatment. Preventative sprays ensure pests will stay away, and curative sprays clear out any present so the plant can recover

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