Are you enjoying the services you've received from Black Diamond? That's Great! Spread the word and you can earn a 'commission' in the form of a credit applied to your account* once your friends complete their initial service with us!
Ask our technicians for a referral card, click the link below to download a printable version, or simply fill out the referral form below (with your friend's blessing of course).
Fill out the section of your card and give it to a friend. Make sure to tell them how much you love our services! Then all you have to do is sit back and wait for their initial service to be complete and for a credit to show up on your account with us.
Once you've received a referral card from a friend, fill out the New Customer section and return it to our office either via mail or by hand-delivering it to our office between 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday.
* Credit is 10% of your friend's (New Customer's) initial service cost, and can be up to a $100 value.