July 28, 2022
Pest Control doesn’t always mean killing, as is demonstrated by Black Diamond Pest Control and the time and attention they devote to the relocation of one of nature’s most beloved pollinators, the honey bee.
Honey bees are important to the environment, and many fear a population decline. This is why Black Diamond is working with the local community to save as many bee colonies as possible through relocation efforts, because it is not always possible to leave bees in their original hive location.
“We see many instances where honey bees have built their hives in the walls of homes and businesses,” says Black Diamond CEO Keith Duncan Jr., “and it’s best for both the people living/working nearby and the bees themselves to be relocated to a safer area.”
An estimated 5% to 7.5% of the population will suffer a severe allergic reaction to insect stings in their lifetime, according to the Journal of Asthma and Allergy. Many do not know they are allergic until they suffer a sting.
While honey bees are generally non-aggressive, they can become extremely so under certain conditions. This is why it is important to steer clear of discovered bee colonies, and to contact professionals to remove them as soon as possible.
Black Diamond is happy to take on the task of safely extracting the bees for relocation to local bee farms. In fact, they are currently partnering with a number of local beekeepers such as those belonging to the Oldham County Beekeepers Association (OCBA).
Stephen Parker, member of the OCBA Presidential Committee, was on-site at a recent Black Diamond extraction site to transfer the bees safely to their new home at a member’s bee farm.
“Black Diamond did a great job with this cutout. This was my first experience with the team and the care and the steps they took to safely identify the location of the colony, minimize the damage to the structure and transition the bees to the carrier was very impressive. You could tell they really wanted to relocate or rehome the bees and not just eradicate a pest,” said Stephen.